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Event flow

Event flow – we often encounter situations in which the Chupa starts very late and the guests, who arrived early, have to wait for a very long time. When the Chupa is delayed, the food is served late and the event misses the point to some degree.

Starting Chupa on time – often couples want to delay the Chupa. The reasoning behind the request is that the later the Chupa takes place, the later the event will end, and thus will be considered happier and more successful. However, this is faulty logic that harms the first arrivals, who have come to honor the couple. Delaying the Chupa postpones the whole event - dancing, food serving etc. The older guests (usually the majority of guests) will depart at the time they planned anyway and the young ones will stay till late, as they would have done in any case. It’s a pity to hinder the event flow.

Don’t bring hairdressers and makeup artists to follow the bride all evening long – it has great potential to “sabotage” the event. After the first course is served, the bride is taken by the hairdresser and makeup artist, to change hair style and makeup. The makeup artist doesn’t care how long it takes her. Her interest is for the makeup to turn out as beautifully as possible (sometimes it can take up to forty minutes!), each is looking to serve their own interests and the event suffers the consequences. The bride sits in a separate room and the guests have no idea what is happening and why the event is not progressing – there is no flow.